Sub Bottom Profiling
Sub-bottom profiling systems identify and measure various marine sediment layers that exist below the sediment/water interface. These acoustic systems use a technique that is similar to single beam echo sounders. A sound source emits an acoustic signal vertically downwards into the water and a receiver monitors the return signal that has been reflected off the seafloor. Some of the acoustic signal will penetrate the seabed and be reflected when it encounters a boundary between two layers that have different acoustic impedance. The system uses this reflected energy to provide information on sediment layers beneath the sediment-water interface.
The uses of Sub-bottom Profiling
sub-bottom profiling allows the detection and mapping of various sediment layers beneath the water. it can be used to detect and measure the thickness of dredged material deposits, identify buried objects such as cables or pipelines. The main application of Sub bottom profiling in Maldives is to identify site with substantial sand deposits that is used for land reclamation.
Applications of Sub-bottom Profiling
Geological studies
Geo-hazard surveys
Buried object location
Dredging surveys
Sand search for land reclamation
The iXblue echoes 10000 is a state of the art modern seismic surveying set up. It is a high-performance sub-bottom profiler that offers high-resolution of seismic profiles. It has the ability to operate between 1m and 150m of water depth, Making this the perfect set up to execute sand searches and other explorations in the shallow waters and deep areas of Maldives.
The systems runs on DEPLH seismic software known for its all-in-one optimized geophysical processing and interpretation. The software improves our visualization and reporting capabilities with its compatibility with the industries leading sensors and file formats.
EA440 is a high performance hydrographic wide band single beam echo sounder. The echo sounder is developed for hydrographic use in shallow to medium depth waters. It supports portable and hull mounted sidescan and sub-bottom light for shallow waters.
The EA440 is a new hydrographic multi frequency echo sounder with wide band technology. The EA440 is developed for use in shallow to medium depth waters. A variety of highly efficient transducers are available to suit our operational needs. The hardware along with its software delivers accurate and precise data.
Sub-bottom profiler and Multibeam Echo sounder in one combine set up, whereby saving valuable time and money